How To Conserve The Wildlife? The Need Of The Hour

How To Conserve The Wildlife


Wildlife is a term that refers to undomesticated animal species. However, it now expands to encompass all creatures that develop or survive in the wild without the interference of people. We find wildlife in all habitats and we need to conserve them. Deserts, woods, jungles, plains, meadows, and other places, including the world’s most developed cities, all contain unique fauna.

The word often denotes pristine creatures that human activities do not affect. However, most scientists believe that human activities have a significant impact on wildlife, especially in the present time.

According to the 2020 World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report and the Zoological Society of London’s Living Planet Index measure, global wildlife populations have decreased by 68% since 1970. This was a result of human activity; overconsumption, population growth, and intensive farming. It is further evidence that humans have unleashed a sixth mass extinction event.

According to CITES, the worldwide wildlife trade is worth billions of dollars every year and impacts hundreds of millions of animal and plant specimens.

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife conservation is the practice of preserving and protecting the wildlife species of animals, plants and their natural habitats, keeping in mind the future generations. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), previously known as World Wildlife Fund is the leading international non-governmental organization to conserve wildlife.

The main goal of wildlife conservation is to preserve and conserve these species from extinction and to educate the people to work towards this goal and live-in harmony with these species.

The population density has increased manifold thereby consumption of natural resources has increased. This has endangered many species and caused imbalance in our ecosystem. Climate change is another major factor that has adversely impacted wildlife. These changes have alarmed many world leaders, conservationist groups, and the environmentally-conscious population.

As a result, various governments and international organizations have come up with different measures to combat the threats on wildlife. For example, CITES, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, Endangered Species Act (ESA), 1973, etc.

Steps taken To Conserve Wildlife

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

This international organization was formed on 29 April, 1961 at Switzerland. It was initially called World Wildlife Fund. Its aim is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future where humans and nature will live in harmony. The Living Planet Report is a report published by WWF every two years since 1989. Their campaigns – Earth Hour and Debt-for-nature swap have gained popularity worldwide. Its logo was the giant panda. This is because it origins from a panda named Chichi who transfer from Beijing Zoo to London Zoo in 1958.

WWF goals focus on 6 major areas –

  1. Climate: To create a climate resilient and zero carbon world fueled by renewable energy.
  2. Food: Double net food availability.
  3. Forests: Conserve important forests of the world.
  4. Freshwater: To secure clean water for people and nature
  5. Oceans: Safeguard the health of oceans and marine livelihoods.
  6. Wildlife: Conserve threatened wildlife species and ensure its sustainability on Earth.

Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA)

Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA)

ESA is the strongest and primary law in the United States for protecting endangered and threatened species from extinction. It is enforced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Its main target is to conserve and protect the wildlife imperiled species from extinction due to the consequences of economic growth and development. It was made into law by President Richard Nixon on 28 December, 1973.

It also serves as the enacting legislation to implement provisions outlined in CITES. Moreover, this Act prohibits importing, exporting, taking, possessing, selling and transporting endangered and threatened species with some exceptions. The provisions also enforced for offenders of wildlife crimes includecitizen suits, imprisonment, fines and forfeiture.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

It is also known as Washington Convention. CITES was conceptualized as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at IUCN meeting. They came into force on 1st July 1975. Moreover, CITES is an international agreement between governments with an objective to conserve wildlife plants and animals, ensuring their safety that trade in their specimens does not threaten their existence.

There are 183 member states currently. Its headquarter is at Geneva, Switzerland. The UN administers it under its UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) wing.

The Conference of the Parties (CoP) is held every three years. The last conference (18th CoP) was held in Geneva in 2019. CITES are legally binding but it does not take the place of national laws.

CITES also regulates international trade i.e., wildlife trafficking. This means they issue permits and certificates to import and export after fulfilling certain criteria. Animals and plants are classified into three categories on the status of their existence.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

IUCN was established on 5th October 1948 in Fontainebleau, France. It is the world’s oldest global environmental organization and its headquarter is in Gland, Switzerland. It comprises of both government as well as civil society organizations.

Its various roles include:

  • conservation of wildlife species
  • participation in environmental scientific research
  • sustainable development and measures to tackle depletion of natural resources
  • organizing theme-based programs on nature
  • climate change advocate and assist in implementing conservation legislations

In 1964, it established the IUCN Red List of threatened species. This also serves as a comprehensive data source on the global status of species. It played a vital role in the creation of these important international conventions –

  • Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1971)
  • CITES (1974)
  • the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)

In 1980, they partner with UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). After which, they published the World Conservation Strategy which birthed the concept of Sustainable Development. In addition, IUCN has been granted official observer status at the United Nations General Assembly.

National Wildlife Federation

National Wildlife Federation

National Wildlife Federation is the largest American conservation organization. And, it started in 1936. NWF is located in Virginia, US. Their goals are-

  • increase America’s fish and wildlife population and expand their capacity
  • to protect wildlife habitat by restoration of its damaged habitats
  • wildlife management
  • combating issues like climate change and wildlife diseases

It also works towards connecting every American to advocate about wildlife. Moreover, it inspires the next generation of conservationists and support legislations on wildlife preservations. 

NWF’s current areas of concerns are:

  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
  • the Bald eagle
  • climate change
  • Everglades
  • the grizzly bear
  • polar bears
  • the Canadian lynx

Their Campus Ecology program also promotes climate leadership and sustainability among colleges and universities. And, they provide the resources, technical support, networking opportunities, and hosting educational events.

List of some endangered wildlife species

endangered wildlife species
  1. Black Rhino
  2. Orangutan
  3. Sea Lions
  4. Tiger
  5. Whale
  6. Black Spider Monkey
  7. Sea Turtle
  8. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
  9. Sumatran elephant
  10. Black-footed Ferret


Causes of Wildlife Depletion

Causes of Wildlife Depletion
  • Hunting and killing wild animals for sport or prizes is a popular pastime.
  • Food hunting can be either illegal or lawful. Illegal poaching for skin, fur, tusks, oil, feathers, and ornamentation.
  • Trapping animals for the purpose of keeping them as pets.
  • The deterioration or total loss of natural habitats is one of the major drivers of animal decrease. Wild animals, like all living species, require food, shelter, clean water, and other necessities inside a territory. If we ignore these, they will eventually go away.
  • Razing forests mercilessly for agricultural purposes, river valley projects, industrial objectives, and the construction of highways, railroads, dams, and other structures, among other things. According the studies, we lose 40 million acres of forest every year. Moreover, deforestation has fragmented natural habitats and reduced the space available for unrestricted movement of wild animals.
  • Thousands of tons of waste materials from human activities have ended up in our rivers, estuaries, and shallow offshore areas. Industrial waste, residential sewage, and oil spills also are rapidly polluting and killing marine resources.

What can I do as a noble citizen to conserve wildlife?

conserve wildlife

As an individual living in these modern times, whether you are an educate or not, we are aware about the consequences of climate change and its adverse impact on wildlife species and its natural habitats. And it is also common knowledge that most of the disasters are man-made. Therefore, it is our utmost duty as conscious individuals to mend our mistakes.

There are ways where we can help conserve and protect our wildlife:

  • We can adopt a plant-based diet to reduce slaughtering of livestock. Their food and rearing itself may require acres of land.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle to minimize our carbon footprint.
  • Educate yourself about invasive species which are also damaging the native plants and find means to stop their spread.
  • Without the existence of habitats, species will extinct. Therefore, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves needs promotion while we should discourage clearing of forests for industries.
  • Symbolic species adoptions for those who can afford will help in funding for its conservation programs.
  • For students who cannot donate money, they can volunteer in organizations. They may also enroll in clean beaches programs, rescue wild animals and be educators of wildlife.
  • You can also donate in authorized national parks, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries for its maintenance.
  • To be a responsible consumer and not purchase products made from endangered animals. This will also conserve and minimize wildlife trafficking.
  • Restore habitat destruction sites by advocating its impact to your leaders and people of influence. And also planting native plants, cleaning up the beaches, reducing deforestation etc.
  • Make sure to educate our family and friends about the repercussions of hunting animals and birds and also discourage this activity.

Importance of wildlife

Importance of wildlife

Wildlife contributes to the ecological equilibrium of nature. Killing carnivores also increases the number of herbivores, which affects forest vegetation; as a result, owing to a shortage of food in the forest, they migrate to agricultural areas and damage our crops. This demonstrates that animals, even as predators of one another, contributes to the maintenance of ecological equilibrium. Animals are excellent predators, which is the primary cause of ecological growth. It also has a major economic importance. 

The environment’s variety can be preserved through protecting animals. Animals such as cows, buffaloes, and other wildlife play an essential part in agricultural growth since they assist in ploughing and tilling soil.

Earthworms, for example, are believed to be farmers’ best friends. This is because they eat the soil and aid in the decomposition of dead remains, adding humus to the soil. This improves the fertility of the soil.

Adopting animals is also a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to wildlife conservation. Moreover, adopting endangered cats and other mammals ensures that your money goes straight to helping those animals that need it the most.


World Wildlife Day is celebrated every year on 3rd March. This year’s theme was “Sustaining all life on Earth.” It celebrates the diversity of flora and fauna in the world and to create awareness about its conservation.

The day is not far when our world will go down the pit. Life without wildlife will be colorless. It is time we humans also realize the importance of wildlife in our life and conserve it. We should also get away with all our selfish intentions and think about the wildlife.

A single act of love and compassion for a single animal may not mean much to other species, but it will mean the world to one. Each one of us can do a bit on our part. It may not necessarily be in monetary terms but we can raise our voice, devote our time and effort for our voiceless friends of the wild. It is now or never. As responsible citizens, let us do our bit in little ways to save wildlife and safeguard our ecosystem.