How To Care For A NewBorn Kitten – Important Tips

how to care a newborn kitten


It is always a joyous moment when our cat gives birth to kittens. However, the responsibilities that come after they are born can be quite challenging and need sincere dedication and hard work as well. Learn how to care for the newborn kitten with these important tips.

Like any newborns, they also require our attention and care around the clock. If the mother is still in the picture, it is usually easier as they become extremely protective of their kittens at this stage and hence tend to provide most of their needs herself.

On the other hand, suppose you adopted the newborn kittens yourself, you will have more work cut out in the mother’s absence. However, regardless of whether or not the mother is present, you will still need to take up the responsibility of taking care of both the mother cat and the newborn kittens.

What should you expect when taking care of a newborn kitten?

What should you expect when taking care of a newborn kitten

Caring for newborn kittens is more or less similar to taking care of newborn babies and if you are yet to experience motherhood, this can be a good practice before real babies come in your life. #newbornkitten

Taking care of newborn kittens comes with a huge responsibility and you will have to devote your time and efforts to make this work. Like human babies, they too may need you to work around the clock and especially if the mother cat is missing from the scene. You will have to prepare yourself for sleepless nights as you may likely need to wake up even in the middle of the night to feed them if necessary.

So, yes in a way it’s like caring for a human baby in that aspect. However; unlike humans, as they grow up much faster, you may only have to go through this process for a few months.

What are some tips to care for a newborn kitten?

tips to care for a newborn kitten

It is important to understand that, in the first four weeks of their birth, one should be very careful when it comes to handling newborn kittens as this may probably be the most vulnerable period of their life.

Try to minimize the number of people to handle the kittens because at that stage, since they have not yet built up their immune system properly they are highly sensitive and easily prone to any kinds of illnesses and infections.

And therefore, note that the person taking care of them should also maintain good hygiene. Wash hands before and after every care or handling of the newborn kitten.


Following are some of the important techniques or tips to take care of a newborn kitten.

Comfortable bedding

Comfortable bedding for newborn kittens

Newborn kittens are literally born blind and they can only open their eyes after a week or two. Hence, it is important that they be kept warm and safe at all times.

Normally, the kittens curl up with each other and their mother cat so, provide a comfortable bed made with layered fleece blankets or any other soft materials for that matter. Place the bedding in a cosy corner with care so that the newborn kitten won’t be disturbed by other pets or children in the family.

Understand the concept of proper Feeding

proper Feeding of new born kitten

Kittens under four weeks of age should not be fed with any solid foods, whether it is dry or wet. The only source where they get their nutrients at this stage is from the mother’s milk and in cases where the mother is not around, it will solely rely on you for its survival.

When such cases arrive, you can make use of kitten milk replacer to feed the newborn kittens. Here, when we talk about milk, it is essential that you avoid using the same milk which humans consume to feed them.

A normal cow’s milk may not be very ideal for newborn kittens and can make them very sick when it is consumed. Following are some steps that you can follow to prepare your kittens’ food.

Prepare the formula

The kittens’ formula should be warmed slightly above room temperature and take a test of the temperature by placing a few drops of the formula on your wrist before feeding the kittens. [s]

Practice good hygiene before and after every feeding

It is important that you practice good hygiene by washing your hands before and after feedings because newborn kittens are highly sensitive in the first few weeks of their birth and because of their underdeveloped immune system, they are prone to contracting diseases and infections easily at this stage of their life.

Feed them gently and allow them to take the lead

When feeding the newborn kitten, they should be on their stomach lying next to you and try holding them with care in a warm towel while they sit on your lap. And try to position yourself comfortably for both of you and handle the kittens gently with utmost care and affection.

As you hold the bottle of formula to your kitten’s mouth, allow them to take the lead and suckle the formula at their own pace.

And after they’ve had their food, like human babies, kittens also need to be burped as well so, gently lay them down on the stomach and pat their back until you hear a little burp. You may need to repeat this procedure a few times throughout each feeding.

Here are the best ways to fatten up your cat!

Litter box training

Litter box training

This is an important element of caring for your newborn kittens. The sooner you start the litter box training, the better it is for them before they mature into adult cats.

Like humans, cats are not born with the knowledge of their bathroom needs. Therefore; you can help them to not make a mess through the process of litter box training.

 Here, all you have to do is get a medium sized clean box with enough space to accommodate them and place it in a corner where the kittens can get easy access to.

In the initial stage, you may need to stimulate their urine or bowel movement and while doing so, make use of a warm washcloth or cotton ball and gently wipe their urogenital area until elimination occurs. You can use this technique on a daily basis every few hours until the kittens learn to do it on their own.

Check Out Pretty Litter made just for Cats!

Timely grooming and wellness

caring for kittens

Trimming the claws and brushing its coat are another two important elements of taking care of your newborn kittens.

The sooner you start the routine of your cat’s maintenance, the easier process it will be for both of you as the days and years go by. There won’t be much resistance from your kittens’ part and negligence on your part as well since this would already have become a normal routine for both you and your kittens.

Another important factor to note here is your kittens’ wellness or well-being from the beginning.

Schedule appointments in the nearest vet clinic with a veterinarian for your newborn kittens preferably in the first week or two after their birth to check for any abnormalities and conduct an overall wellness check.

As newborn kittens are prone to illnesses such as respiratory infections, ear mites, and intestinal parasites etc, a regular visit to the vet clinic can help to prevent such illnesses from developing in your newborn kittens.

Learn how to ensure a health plan for your pets.