Best & Easy Ways On How To Fatten Up A Cat

How To Fatten Up A Cat

As pet owners, we like to keep our furry friends healthy and fat. This also makes them appear more cute and cuddly. Being a cat owner we don’t want to see a skinny cat that looks all weak and malnourished. In fact, we try to feed our cat constantly so that it can gain more weight and look healthy. Even if we try, cats are quick to ignore the things it doesn’t like and just walk away from their food. It can be disappointing sometimes. However, we can try different measures to fatten up our cat by following the options listed below. #howtofattenupacat

Check a veterinary to fatten up a cat:

It’s always important to check the veterinary to make sure that your cat is doing fine.  Before trying to set goals for your cat’s weight and gain some weight for your cat, it’s important to know the cat’s weight ratio with respect to its age. Because you don’t want an overweight cat that becomes susceptible to various diseases and problems. You can get advice regarding the right cat foods that contain high protein and fats for your cat to gain weight.

Check for diseases:

Sometimes the cat may appear reluctant on being fed or may not seems to gain weight. This can be caused by tapeworm. Tapeworm is a major culprit that can affect cat’s weight gain. Tapeworm consumes large amount of nutrients which may prove to be fatal to a cat’s health. Deworming can be done to tackle such issue.

There are other diseases like cat’s kidney disease that can cause loss of nutrients, metabolic activities and affects the digestive system of the cat

Hyperthyroidism is a disease found generally in old cat or senior cats. It is a tumor in the liver of the cat that affects the thyroid glands of the cat. Any feline friend won’t want that happening to their cat. Therefore, it is important to go for check up and monitor a cat’s health

Another disease called fatty liver disease (hepatic lipidosis) which is a common liver disease found mostly in overweighed cat. If a cat doesn’t eat for more than 3 days, then the cat could be suffering from this disease and needs immediate medical attention.

Measures needs to be taken to treat these diseases by consulting a doctor and feed your cat with good nutritional food with low carbohydrates.

fatten cat

Fatten Up Your Cat By Changing food habit:

Some cats can be quite picky when it comes to food. For these picky eaters, you can try different types of food for your cat. It is important to avoid cat and kitten foods that contain plants by-product such as wheat, maize, grain etc. These plants’ product may appear to keep the cat full throughout the day but it decreases the cat’s appetite. Changing a cat’s food habit can be done gradually, with a little amount steadily in the cat’s food. And you can see if the cat likes the new food as it will help the cat to fatten and gain weight.

Splitting meals:

Instead of feeding the cat wholesome food, you can try to split the meal into smaller meals so that cat is constantly fed throughout the day. It is advisable to heat the cat’s food to encourage the cat to eat more. Heating helps to reduce the surface tension of the food particles allowing the cat’s food to be tastier. Heating also enhances the aroma of the food, encouraging the cat to eat.

You can also give tasty treats to the cat but this treatment shouldn’t be considered as its main meals. This can help your cat gain weight and fatten quicker.

 As cats are sensitive animals, avoid staring at the cat while it’s eating as it makes the cat uncomfortable.


Fatten Up A Cat By Organizing cat’s niche:

Cat care and nursing cat is not only about feeding the cat and monitoring its food habit. But it is also about organizing its environment. It is important to separate cat’s litter box from its food and drinking bowl. This is because litter box can transmit diseases into a cat through its food and drinking bowl. Cats like to be clean and it instinctively feels uneasy when their food is in close proximity with unhygienic thing. Litter boxes and unhygienic environment can make the cat sick and also reduces its appetite.

Learn how to stop your cat from peeing and spraying outside the litter box.

Try pantry items:

It is generally not advisable to feed your cat with human food as it doesn’t have the necessary cat’s diet. It can make the cat malnourished and underweight. However, if your cat loses its appetite, you can cook different types of food with high protein and fats and see if the cat likes it. These pantry items are natural and healthy as they are free from fillers and preservatives. By cooking different types of food with high protein and fats with low carbohydrates, you can make the right pantry item to fatten up your aging cats.

Canned food

When you buy canned food, always go for naturally canned cat food with low plant products. As plant product contains low protein and fats content, it reduces cat’s appetite and loses weight. Canned foods are designed to provide all the necessary nutrients with high protein and fats that can increase a cat’s weight. Some cats prefer wet food as wet foods are softer, easier to chew, and digest. Meanwhile, dry kibbles or dry food contains extra calories than wet food which can lead the cat to obesity. However, kibbles aren’t recommended to kittens as dry food can dehydrate the kitten which can cause urinary tract issues.


A happy cat is a healthy cat and nursing a cat may have some rough patches but it’s always fun and pleasant to grow together with your cat. It is also important that your cat is fed with the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

As your cat gains weight make sure that it is in the right weight and proportion. Let your cat play if it wants to play so that it can strengthen and retain its muscle mass and feed it at the proper time.

Maintain a regular check-up with the veterinary doctor for any diseases and deworm your cat at regular intervals. Maintain a good cat diet, and your cat will be healthy and active.