How to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Live longer?

how to keep your dog healthy and live longer


It is now possible to keep your dog healthy and help them live longer. Having furry friends around forever is wished by all pet lovers/pet parents. But forever is not even close when we talk about the life span of dogs.

As dogs mostly live around 10-15 years on an average basis depending on their size. Though in some cases they naturally live longer than expected. Like the case of a 29-years old dachshund mix named Max, who has been named the world’s oldest living dog.

It has been said that Dogs are living longer than they did 40 years ago. Some reasons can be due to the advancement in the field of veterinary medicine to keep their health in check and having a knowledge of dogs’ nutritional needs. Another reason can be that dogs are more commonly kept inside or fenced. Thus lowering the chance of getting into accidents or being hit by cars.

If you want your furry dog friend to be healthy and live longer, there are many things you can do. Here are some of the very few simple, easy tips for you to keep your furry friend live a healthier and longer life span.

  • Visit Vet Regularly
  • Give proper dental care
  • Exercise daily
  • Give a healthy balance diet
  • Prepare for medical care

Visit Vet Regularly

Visit Vet Regularly

Visiting your vet for a regular check-up at least once a year. And, increasing the number of visits if your dogs is in their old age is a must. It gives the chance for vet to spot potential problems early. Moreover, they provide proper treatments at the right time which in turn increases the life span of your furry friends.

Vets can even recommend supplements for improving your dog’s quality of life. They can help provide measures for a longer life span of your furry friends. So, if you want your dog to be around for long don’t skip visiting your vet.

Check out how CBD oil is helping dogs to be healthy!

Exercise daily

Exercise daily

An active lifestyle has a great impact on the dogs health. It has many physiological and psychological benefits. This includes

  • relieving stress and anxiety
  • balance emotions and moods
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • tone muscles
  • keep cardiovascular in shape
  • and also protect from carrying the excess body weight

Thus, exercise is another key factor to sustain your dog’s life, helping your dog to live healthy and longer lives. however, the type and amount of exercise your dogs need should be in accordance to their age, breed, and overall health conditions.

Give a healthy balanced diet

Give a healthy balanced diet

Too much of anything is bad as it can lead to different health issues and that can be applied in the case of dogs as well. Obesity is one of the major health issues caused due to excess eating. This acts as a doorway to different illness like diabetes, and even hampers joints, heart, muscles, and respiratory system. Thus, the end result is shortening your dog’s life.

It is said dog that eat less and avoid excess sugar, fats, and sodium tends to live longer lives. So, it’s important to feed your dog with well balanced high-quality diet with the right amount of calories and nutrients. To keep your dogs healthy and live longer feed them with the best dog treats, look for whole ingredient and responsible sourcing practices from your dog food to help extends your dog lifes.

Avoid feeding your dog with human food. Stick to a breed and age-specific dog food. Consult veterinary professionals for a proper diet schedule.

Check out Ollie Fresh which delivers Dog Food here!

Prepare for a Medical care

Prepare for a Medical care

Unprepared with the medical expenses of your pet can be great danger, especially when your dogs require a long-term care and medication. Because medical care cost money and if you don’t have enough money to treat your pet there is a greater chance of losing your pet life. So, consider getting a pet insurance policy or a credit card reserved for dog care.

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Give proper dental care

Give proper dental care

Like human beings, even dogs’ teeth need to brush regularly. As poor dental care can lead to serious dental disease. This includes plaque, gingivitis, as well as chronic infections, or even cancer. So, it is important to keep in-check of your pups’ dental health.

To take care of your dog’s oral health brush their teeth twice or daily. You may provide safe chew toys. Also, have the vets check their teeth during annual visits and give them dental treats too.

One of the most highly recommended dental chew is Puplabs fresh breathies for all dog’s breeds. It helps in fighting plaque, bad breath or any dental problems. It is also beneficial for their bones, joints, furs, and any age-related health issues.

Provide mental stimulation and enrichment

Provide mental stimulation and enrichment

Like people, your furry friends thrive on mental stimulation to keep themselves happy. Dogs are supposed to be highly active and making them do nothing makes them bored. A constantly bored dog has a high chance of getting into depression, anxiety, or even ill.

To prevent your dog from getting bored and extend your dog life, keep them busy with training, games, one-on-one attention, socializing, and other enrichment activities. And remember it is never too late or too old for your dogs to learn new tricks. Keeping them mentally stimulated will really make you happy and live a longer life.

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As a pet parents, you have a great responsibility to take care of your dogs whether young or old pups a they are completely dependent on you. If you want your pups to be around you for a longer time, create the right balance of their diet, exercise and, regular vet visits, give them enough love, care, and affection.

The life expectancy of your dogs depends on how you treat them, the environments they are living and even their genetics have a great impact too. However, following the above mentions tips will for sure will be of great help in keeping your dog healthy and lives longer. Always remember your time together with you pets matters the most and stands out from all of the above tips. You matter the most to your furry friend.