How To Keep Dogs Healthy And Happy? – 7 Proven Methods

how to keep dogs healthy and happy


Owning a dog is one of the best feelings every pet owner will agree to this. Dog’s are man best friend to some people their dog means the world to them. Just like a human being dog also deserves to be happy, and to give your dog that happiness you need to take good care of your dog’s health and overall well-being. Your dogs need proper shelter, healthy food, a good amount of exercise to stay healthy and happy.

If you are looking for a way to keep your dogs healthy and happy, keep reading to get the best tips and tricks for your paw friend.

7 Proven Methods to keep your dogs happy and healthy

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Grooming
  3. Provide Healthy food
  4. Spend time with your dog
  5. Vet visits
  6. Maintain a healthy weight
  7. Dental health

1. Regular exercise

Regular exercise with dog to keep dogs healthy and happy

Your dog needs daily exercise to stay healthy. You can take your dog for a walk, or go hiking with your dog. Playing fetch is also another good exercise to keep your dog physically active and fit. Exercise also helps with mental stimulation, which may actually prolong your dog’s life. While exercising, you can also train your dog to understand you better.

Here are some indoor exercises ideas for dogs:

  • Run up and down the stairs
  • Hide and seek
  • Run on a treadmill
  • Play tug of war with your dog
  • Training with treats

2. Grooming

Dog grooming

Grooming is one of the most important parts of taking care of your pet. Grooming includes trimming nails, brushing off their coats, brushing their teeth, and regular baths. Regular bathing and brushing can help your dogs to get rid of bad odor, fleas, and ticks, as well as your dog, will have clean shiny fur. Additionally, grooming also allows you to catch underlying diseases and abnormalities of your dog. You can start grooming your puppy at a young age. So, as they grow older they will get used to a warm bath, healthy nails, and free from fleas and ticks.

3. Provide Healthy food and cozy shelter

Provide Healthy food

Regardless of whether you have a mixed breed or pure breed, providing them healthy food is a must. Know what type of dog breed you have so, that you will be able to feed your dog the right nutritional needs. Your pet needs to drink water to stay hydrated so make sure there is always fresh and clean water at his reach.

Providing your pet with a cozy shelter is a part of taking care of your dog’s health. Pet houses can protect your dog from windy, rainy, and sunny days. If your pet lives inside your home you can just let him sleep in a wooden crate with a blanket.

4. Spend time with your dog

Spend time with your dog to keep dogs healthy and happy

As much as you love spending time with them they also love spending time with you. Show them some love, have a conversation with them even though they don’t talk they can be a good listener. Having a strong bond with your dog can be beneficial for both of you. As spending time with your dog can help you relax your mind, lower stress, and make you feel less lonely.[s] On the other hand, your dog also learns how to get socialize and your dog’s behavior towards you and other animals will be truly amazing.

5. Vet visits

Vet visits

Every pet needs a health check-up at least once a year. If you have an older dog you need to take him to a vet once in 6 months as an older dog is more likely to suffer from common sicknesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health conditions. I know visiting a vet may be costly this is one of the main reason many pet owners visit the vet only when their pet gets sick or act strange.

However, you can also get a pet plan insurance or pet emergency funds in case they suffer from any health conditions.

The importance of visiting a vet is to help you to get the best care for your canine companion, in addition, vet visits help your dogs to have a healthy and happy life.

6. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintain a healthy weight to keep dogs healthy and happy

A healthy weight is an important factor to keep your dogs happy and healthy. To find out the ideal weight for your dog visit a vet, the vet can give you the correct weight for your dog based on your dog breed, gender, and age. Whether your dog has gained weight or lost weight it’s best to consult with your vet. Maintaining a healthy weight for your dog is the best way to lower the risk of obesity and other health issues such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, heart disease, and Orthopedic problems.

Obesity in a dog can also shorten the life span of your dog, so to give your dog a good quality of life and happy life maintains a healthy weight for your dog.

Learn How To Get Upto $3000 for Pet Emergency fund!

7. Dental health

dog Dental health

Many dog owners neglect the significance of oral hygiene. Most doggo show signs of canine periodontal disease when they are around two to three years. Canine periodontal disease may cause severe health issues to your dog. To prevent cavities, the yellow plaque to build up, you need to brush your dog’s teeth frequently.

Make sure you use toothpaste that is particularly made for dogs, at first your dog might not like it very much but with some treats, after every time you brush his teeth slowly he might become used to it. In case your dog or you don’t like the idea of brushing you can use dog dental wipes they are as good as toothbrushes and paste and when compared dog dental wipes are easier to use to clean your dog teeth.


Every pet owners want to have a never-ending healthy and happy life with their canine companion.

And to make that dream come true you need to do for your dog is regular exercise and physical activities, be well-groomed, feed them with the required nutritional food, vet visits for regular physical checkups, and maintain a healthy weight.