How To Clean Up After A Cat Spray?


Cat lovers! I know the furry little one’s in your home is just irresistible not to love even with some little accidents happening at home. It could be spraying outside the litter box or simply marking their territory. However, if you do not act fast in cleaning it, the smell of cats urine gets more pungent. And once dried, it is difficult to get rid of and nearly impossible to mask. You will now learn why and how to clean up after a cat spray.

Why does cats urine smell?

“It is because cats have a very concentrated urine” Says experts.

Cats may spray for a number of reasons- marking their territory, objecting to the litter box location or cleanliness, or it can be due to urinary tract infection (take an animal’s doctor advised at the earliest). Whatever reason it may be, it’s going to stink. And additionally, once the urine stain dries, you may not see it, but the odour still remain stronger as ever. Thus, not only giving your home cats urine smell but also lead them to mark their territory again or repeat spraying in the same area.

If you are having a problem with your furry lil ones spraying all over your place? Worry not, read this article, follow the tips and get rid of cats’ urine smells and stain, and avoid a recurrence.

Why is your cat spraying?

Why is your cat spraying

Knowing the matters/ reason behind your cats spraying can help you to detect their problem and tend their necessary needs. Some reasons can be:

  1. Objecting to litter box location or cleanliness- poor location, unclean litter box may divert their attention to look elsewhere and triggers their spraying behaviour.
  2. Stress, anxiety or frustrated with their circumstances- it can be due to restrictive diet, insufficient play time, or less attention given to them or it can be territorial dispute among other cats.
  3. Health issues is another reason for improper urination- Infection of the urinary tract can also lead to spraying, therefore taking your cats for check-up is very important.
  4. To signal other cat’s that they are looking for a mate- a male cat’s spray to mark their territory and a female cat’s spray to signal the male Tom cat that they are ready to mate.

Learn How to Stop Your Cat from Spraying everywhere!

Things needed to clean up Cat Spray:

  • Gloves
  • Water
  • Paper towel
  • Old rags/ cloth towel
  • Enzyme-neutralizing cleaner
  • Soap
  • Spray bottle

Step-by-step methods to clean up cat spray:

Detect/search the spot

search the spot your cat spray to clean it

When your Cats start urinating outside the litter box it is usually unnoticed and difficult to detect. However cats are usually attracted to vertical surface for spraying, it can be- from wall, to curtains, walls, carpet, under the bed or surfaces. This are non-washable so you need to pay attention to them. And with the help of using a black light will highlight the location of the cats spray and even help you in finding the older mark.

Clean the cat spray at the earliest

If you found the old urine stain or found your cat in action clean it quickly as soon as possible because the longer it stay the stronger the urine odour is and it becomes difficult to get rid of the cat urine smell. Moreover, cats can sniff out areas they’ve mark and target them again so

Treat the cat spray/ urine stain with proper care

treat the cat's spray

If you find a fresh wet urine stain whether it be on washable or non-washable surfaces the first thing you need to do-

  • Always blot it with cloth or paper towel to remove as much urine as possible. This stops the cat pee form soaking into your rug or carpet.
  • Never rub these urine mark as it can cause the stain to set or soak.
  • Wipe it with soapy water or alcohol solution or washing detergent/ soak it for 1-2hours and blot the stain area with dry cloths or paper towel or wipe with wet sponge. Repeat if necessary until the original stain disappear.
  • Never use products that contain ammonia. Its smell is similar to cat pee and thus attracting your cats back to the target area.
  • Use enzyme-based cleaner as it breaks down the acid in cats urine smell and neutralize pets odor.

For washable surface like curtains, mattresses, blanket or clothes, first blot with dry towel or old rags, then rinsed in water and detergent mixed with cider vinegar or baking soda before washing with enzyme-based cleaner. For non-washable surface like carpet, hard-floor use old rags to blot/ wet vacuum cleaner to remove as much stain as possible. Spray the area and also soak it with enzyme-based products to neutralize odor.

Home Remedies for cleaning cats urine:

There are several products available in the market or at vet’s clinic/pharmacy for cleaning and neutralizing car pee odor. If you can’t find it, there are some home remedies to make your own cleaner, by combining white vinegar or apple cider mixed with water, i.e. in a 1:1 ratio. The acidic nature of the vinegar break down the cat’s urine smell and neutralizes it, thus, preventing the cats to spray in mark territory. To get rid of the cat pee stain and smell here are some products suggested for you.

Hydrogen peroxide mask:

Hydrogen peroxide solution helps to get rid of the stubborn smell and stain of the cats spray on the hard-wood floor, and it can also be used on couches, carpets and even clothing.

Vinegar and baking soda

The acidic nature of vinegar breaks down the acid in cats’ pee, neutralizing cat spray stain and smell. Similarly, baking soda also act as an agent in removing the cats pee smell.

Enzyme-based cleaner

Enzyme-based cleaners are a very useful products in eliminating pet stain and odors. Its natural enzyme acts as a neutralizer in diminishing the smell of cats pee.

Cat’s parents it hard being a parent, but its never a waste as you get to Love and be loved by your furry lil friend. Cleaning and getting rid of your pets odor is hard work, however the real battle is to see and stop your cat’s from spraying again in that target spot.


  • Increased the number of clean litter box for your cat to spray on. Eg. If you have 3 cats keep 4-5 litter box.
  • Try removing the cover of your cat’s litter box or changing the type of litter box you use to let your cat learn to use the litter box.
  • If your cat is spraying continuously, take it to the veterinary to check if there is any medical issue or medical help needed.
  • Create safe environment for your cat.

Learn about Pretty Litter, the litter that every Cat loves!