
8 Best Dog Breeds For Family – 3 Important Criterions


Looking for the perfect dog breeds to add to your family? Introducing a new puppy or dog or a pet in general to your family, is no piece of cake. It can be quite a difficult decision because not only do you have to take care of its needs, you also have to re-evaluate your family living arrangements because trust me, they occupy spaces! While it is important that your family likes the new addition, it is equally important for you to decide on the type of breed you are getting. Because let’s face it, they are going to grow up someday.

And as dogs are highly energetic as compared to reserved cats, it will be difficult to handle them if you are not prepared to face this need of theirs. There are many types of breeds available today. Choose the dog breeds that will go best with the size of your home, your family, and yes, your Budget as well! Because some dogs need extra maintenance, you will need to take care of them out of your own expenses. #BestDogBreedsForFamily

Important Criterions

Three important criterions to consider while choosing a dog breed for your family!

  • Temperament – This is very important. Know the personality of your dog. For example, if you are someone who likes calm and peace around you, opt for a dog or a breed that is calmer in nature.
  • Size – How big the size of the dog should be is important especially when you have kids. Size should be equivalent to both the levels of temperament and their energy.
  • Level of energy– This is entirely up to you and your family. All dogs are more or less energetic by nature although some may seem more energetic than other. But, if you are on the calmer side by nature, get yourself a dog which is less energetic and calmer by nature.

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Golden Retriever

This is probably the most sought-after type of dog breeds especially when you have a family with little kids. This particular breed of dog is neither aggressive nor timid and are super confident, extremely patient, smart, kind, highly intelligent and loyal. Thus, making them all the more the ideal breed for families with kids.

And although they require lots of outdoor activities, this can be a good thing for you and the kids. You can get some for yourself and the kids as well. In addition to the above personality traits, they are quite affectionate and obedient as well and responds to commands pretty well.


This may not be the typical type of breed that you want but, mixed breeds are unique. And often times, Mutts provide the best traits of the two or more breeds in one. And think of it this way, when you adopt a mixed breed dog, you are actually saving the lives of two dogs. The workers and employees at the animal shelter will fill you in on the details of their personalities and how you can handle them on a day to day basis.

German shepherd

The German shepherd breed is one of the most famous breeds of dogs. They have served as hunting and herding dogs in Germany since longtime back. They are mostly trained as service dogs. This is why most of the dogs that we see working with the police search and rescue, and the military are dogs belonging to this particular breed. And it is so because they are highly intelligent and works really hard once they are properly trained.

Labrador retriever

The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds that almost every household family have! And why not? They are extremely friendly, energetic, playful, loving, loyal, patient, protective, and reliable. They are highly intelligent and learn quickly as well.

Owing to their affable personality, Labrador dogs get along quite well with all other animals and open up to strangers easily as well. The only little problem you may encounter with them is because they shed a lot. So you have to prepare yourself to regularly clean their hairs on the sofas, your bed or your clothes!


Who would have thought that the Beagle breed was originally bred for hunting dogs? Although they are short and small in size, they are highly intelligent and very energetic. This is perfect for families with little kids to play around with!

You can train your dog to protect your home too!


They may look fierce and angry and even the name of their breed sounds dangerous but they are quite soft. Bulldogs are famously known for its loyalty and they are always happy to spend time with their human families. They also get along quite with other pets as well. They are quite flexible and can live in any size of apartments and houses.  

Alaskan malamute

This dog breed was originally bred to hunt powerful prey, such as bears, seals, and so on. But today as you can see, the Alaskan Malamutes are fully domesticated into gentle giants. This makes them a great choice for a family pet dog as they are quite friendly and always high on energy.

Golden doodle

The golden doodle is the perfect breed of dog if you or any of the family members suffers from severe allergies. They are known for being highly intelligent, energetic, lovable, and loyal. They are also great with children and other pets as well.


To conclude, there is no such thing as the perfect breed for the family because as a dog lover myself, all breeds of dogs are equally lovable and loyal. Sure, there may be some dogs that can be a little less energetic than the others. However, it does not mean that they would like to be chained and kept indoors all throughout the day for every single day.

Dogs, regardless of their breeds are all playful by nature. This means if you want to raise a healthy and happy dog, in addition to feeding them you have to take them out on walks, a few minutes of playtime, and just outdoors in general, on a regular basis.

My Pet Keeping

My Pet keeping is a website meant especially for pet lovers and also, for anyone who is curious about giving their pets a better life. We do our research on how to take care of your pets in all kinds of topics. After which, we share it with our readers. As you browse through, you will notice how surprisingly easy it is to help pets to be stable and healthy. With the advancement and increasing number of pet lovers, we were also surprised to find many more ways, tips, and gadgets popping up to help out our beloved pets. We believe there is always a way to keep your pets safer, better, and healthier.

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